A collaboration between architects Maria Mengel, Ida Flarup, Peter Møller Rasmussen and Thomas Feveile Mulbjerg / founders of MODTAR projects.
MODTAR projects is an exhibition space and project space for experimental architecture and installation art. The place was founded as a forum for the development and exhibition of alternative, architectural practices. A former carpentry workshop in a back yard house in central Copenhagen has since 2007 been host for a large number of exhibitions by invited architects, designers, artesans and artists including several installations by MODTAR projects themselves.
‘Dualities’ is MODTAR’s pavilion at alt_cph – The Alternative Art Fair at Fabrikken for Kunst og Design (FFKD) in 2012. The project is a nomadic ‘annex’ to the static MODTAR house. The pavilion is a kit of parts, which makes it possible to establish a MODTAR context in various external contexts. The pavilion is both a vessel for artefact and productions from the house as well as a full scale installation.
MODTAR projects is funded by The Danish Arts Council and Nationalbankens Jubilæumsfond and was active between 2007-2012 in Teglgårdsstræde 3, Copenhagen.